Reputable financial statement auditing service

Reputable financial statement auditing service

AACS's auditing services include services that provide assurance about the operating results and financial situation of the business. In addition, we also support companies and businesses to improve the quality of financial reports provided to external parties and comply with legal regulations including: Vietnamese accounting regime, Standards Vietnamese accounting and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

In addition, AACS's auditing services also support customers in providing non-financial information to the outside and help improve customers' corporate governance processes.

Financial statement auditing service

Auditing financial statements today plays an important role within businesses as well as the users of information in audit reports. In today's business environment, there is always careful scrutiny and skepticism about businesses' financial reports.

Investors now expect greater reliability, stricter oversight and clear evidence of internal controls. Meeting investor expectations often begins with ensuring financial reports contain complete and accurate information.

View more  Audited financial statements

Based on best practices and extensive knowledge of each different industry, our audit method is designed to suit the size and type of business of each enterprise.

Inspection services are based on AACS pre-agreed procedures

At each time, businesses need a professional company to carry out a number of procedures to meet business needs or to support the business in the decision-making process.

AACS will discuss with businesses to understand those issues and needs and design specific procedures to be implemented. After performing these procedures, AACS will provide the business with a Report detailing the issues discovered.

AACS financial statement review service

AACS provides services related to the review of interim financial reports and annual financial reports. A review provides less assurance than an audit because review procedures are limited primarily to communications with enterprise personnel and the application of analytical procedures to financial information. .

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