1. Home page of the General Department of Taxation: http://www.gdt.gov.vn/wps/portal
This page contains a lot of information about the latest decree circulars and tax regulations issued by the General Department of Taxation.
2. Look up taxpayer information: http://tracuunnt.gdt.gov.vn/tcnnt/mstdn.jsp
This page is used to look up taxpayer information, serving to look up personal tax codes.
3. Look up invoice information: http://tracuuhoadon.gdt.gov.vn/main.html
This page is used to look up VAT invoice information and see the validity of the invoice
4. Submit tax declaration online: https://thuedientu.gdt.gov.vn/
This site is used to submit tax returns via the Internet.
There are also other related websites:
5. Register for delivery and receipt of social insurance documents: http://bhxh.vnpost.vn/Security/SignIn
7. Submit tax declaration documents of business households and individuals: http://canhan.gdt.gov.vn/
8. Insurance lookup: www.baohiemxahoi.gov.vn/tracuu
10. Look up customs declarations: https://www.customs.gov.vn/default.aspx
11. Look up Tariff Schedule – classification – HS (Customs): https://www.customs.gov.vn/SitePages/Tariff.aspx
13. Look up information of business households and individuals:http://www.gdt.gov.vn/wps/portal/home/hct
14. List of businesses with tax risks:http://www.gdt.gov.vn/wps/portal/home/dnrrvt
15.Decision to enforce invoices:http://www.gdt.gov.vn/wps/portal/home/qdcchd1
16.List of companies selling VAT refund products to foreign countries:http://hanoi.gdt.gov.vn/
17. Look up the status of social insurance application processing:http://bhxhhn.com.vn/
Source: Collector)
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