BmJob description of sales accountant  

To be able to do well The job of a sales accountant In addition to necessary qualities such as honesty, carefulness, and meticulousness, it also requires you to be proficient in using computers for specific tasks such as creating goods tables, creating data entry areas, and using calculation functions. maths…

Specific tasks of sales accountant: 

  • Daily enter purchase and sales data into accounting or bookkeeping software.
  • Compile daily sales and purchasing data and report to the accounting department.
  • Check and compare sales data on the software with inventory and debt data.
  • Monitor and calculate discounts for customers.
  • At the end of the day, go to the detailed list of sales invoices and calculate the total value of goods sold and VAT (if any) for the day.
  • Perform reconciliation with the warehouse keeper on import and export work at the end of the day.
  • Determine accounts and classify documents according to each economic transaction that arises.
  • Prepare a declaration of purchased goods according to the VAT declaration form.
  • Prepare and monitor withdrawal, correction, and cancellation records of invoices in a timely manner.
  • Plan debt collection and contact customers.
  • Balance output tax payable with input tax to have reasonable invoicing measures.
  • Monthly, quarterly, and yearly report on invoice usage during the period.
  • Arrange, preserve and store financial invoices.
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In addition, sales accountants also have to do tasks such as:

  • Update prices and new products.
  • Customer care consultant.
  • Make quotes and contracts.
  • Manage customer information, books, and documents related to company sales.
  • Support general accounting and implement other requests of the board of directors.
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