Hanoi, December 28, 2018

Article 2. Subjects of application 

1. Subjects of application of this Circular are micro enterprises, including micro enterprises that pay corporate income tax (CIT) according to the method calculated on taxable income and the method based on the ratio % above. revenue from sales of goods and services.

2. Criteria for determining micro-enterprises implementing the accounting regime according to this Circular are implemented in accordance with the provisions of tax law.

Article 3. Application of accounting regime 

1. Micro enterprises pay corporate income tax according to the taxable income method and apply the accounting regime prescribed in Chapter II of this Circular.

2. Micro enterprises that pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on revenue from sales of goods and services apply the accounting regime prescribed in Chapter III of this Circular or can choose to apply the accounting regime according to the provisions of Chapter III of this Circular. prescribed in Chapter II of this Circular.

3. Micro enterprises can choose to apply the Small and Medium Enterprise Accounting Regime issued under Circular No. 133/2016/TT-BTC dated August 26, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance to suit their characteristics. production and business activities and management requirements of the enterprise.

4. Micro enterprises must apply consistent accounting regimes within a financial year. Changes to the applicable accounting regime can only be made at the beginning of the next fiscal year.

Article 4. Accounting documents 

1. The content of accounting documents, the preparation and signing of accounting documents of micro enterprises comply with the provisions of Article 16, Article 17, Article 18, Article 19 of the Accounting Law and specific instructions in the Circular This.

2. Contents, forms of invoices, procedures for creating, managing and using invoices (including electronic invoices) comply with the provisions of tax law.

3. Micro-enterprises are allowed to develop their own accounting document forms suitable to the characteristics of their business activities, ensuring clarity, transparency, ease of inspection and control (except for goods sales invoices, service). In case a micro-enterprise cannot develop its own accounting voucher form, it can apply the form and method of preparing accounting vouchers guided in Appendix 1 of this Circular.

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Article 5. Accounting books 

1. The contents of accounting books, accounting book system, opening books, recording books, closing books, storing accounting books and repairing accounting books at micro enterprises are carried out according to the provisions of Article 24, Article 25, Article 26, 27 of the Accounting Law and specific instructions in this Circular.

2. Micro enterprises are allowed to develop their own accounting book forms suitable to the characteristics of their business activities, ensuring clarity, transparency, ease of inspection and control. In case a micro-enterprise cannot build its own accounting book form, it can apply the form and accounting book recording method guided in this Circular.

Article 6. Currency used in accounting 

Micro enterprises apply regulations on units of calculation used in accounting according to the provisions of Article 10 of the Accounting Law and Article 4 of Decree No. 174/2016/ND-CP dated December 30, 2016 of the Government. details of some articles of the Accounting Law

Article 8. Organization of accounting apparatus and accountants 

1. Micro-enterprises are assigned to be in charge of accounting without being required to appoint a chief accountant. Micro-enterprises that pay corporate income tax at the rate of % on revenue from sales of goods and services can organize their own accounting work according to the provisions of Chapter III of this Circular.

2. The arrangement of accountants for micro-enterprises must ensure that it does not violate the provisions of Article 19 of Decree No. 174/2016/ND-CP dated December 30, 2016 of the Government detailing a number of regulations. Articles of the Accounting Law.

3. Micro-enterprises are allowed to sign contracts with accounting service units to hire accounting services or chief accountant services according to the provisions of law. The list of units qualified to provide accounting services is published and periodically updated on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Finance.


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Article 10. Accounting accounts 

Micro enterprises pay corporate income tax according to the method of calculating taxable income, applying the list of accounting accounts, content, structure, accounting principles, accounting methods of some major economic operations. Instructions in Appendix 2 "Accounting account system" issued with this Circular to record and reflect economic transactions arising according to each economic content.

Article 12. Purpose of financial statements 

1. Financial reports are used to provide information about the financial situation and business situation of micro-enterprises, meeting the management requirements of business owners and state agencies.

2. Financial reports provide information of micro enterprises about the following contents:

– Asset Situation;

- Liabilities must pay;

- Equity;

– Revenues and income;

- Expenses;

– Profit, loss and division of business results.

Article 16. Accounting method 

1. Micro enterprises that pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on revenue from selling goods and services, if there is no need, are not required to open accounting accounts but only record applications in accounting books (record only Copy arising economic transactions into items that need to be tracked without reflecting the corresponding accounts) to track revenues and income, taxes payable to the state, salaries and other expenses. Deductions based on salary, etc. serve to determine the tax obligations of enterprises to the state budget.

2. In cases where micro enterprises pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on revenue from sales of goods and services, they need to apply accounting accounts like businesses that pay corporate income tax using the calculated income method. tax to serve the management requirements of production and business activities of the unit, the provisions in Chapter II of this Circular can be applied for implementation.

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1. Micro enterprises that pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on sales of goods and services must open accounting books to track revenue and income, taxes payable to the state, salaries and salary deductions,...

Article 18. Financial statements 

1. Micro enterprises that pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on revenue from sales of goods and services are not required to prepare financial reports to submit to tax authorities.

2. Micro enterprises pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on revenue from sales of goods and services and make reports according to the provisions of tax law. The time for preparing and submitting reports shall comply with the provisions of tax law.

3. In addition to reporting according to tax laws, based on information on sales revenue and service provision, salaries and salary payments,... micro-enterprises can prepare Accounting reports serve business management and operations.

4. Micro enterprises pay corporate income tax calculated at the rate of % on revenue from sales of goods and services if they choose to apply the accounting regime specified in Chapter II of this Circular to serve their operational management needs. During the production and business activities of the enterprise, financial reports are still prepared according to regulations. Prepared financial reports do not have to be submitted to tax authorities but are preserved and stored according to regulations and used at the enterprise to serve inspection and examination when requested by competent state agencies. permission.

Article 20. Implementation effect 

1. This Circular takes effect from February 15, 2019, applicable to fiscal years starting on or after April 1, 2019.

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